Paprika Pork Steak
Paprika Marinade
3 Cloves Garlic
Pinch of Kosher Salt
1 Tbsp Sweet Paprika
1 Tsp Dried Basil
1 Tsp freshly ground Black Peppercorns
1 Tbsp freshly grated Orange Zest
6 Tbsp Olive Oil
Smash garlic cloves down with the side of your knife. Sprinkle just a touch of kosher salt over garlic, and begin to finely chop and smear the garlic down into a fragrant paste. Transfer to large wide bowl and add remaining ingredients. Combine thoroughly and set aside.
Pork Steak
1 Recipe Paprika Marinade
2 Lb Boneless Pork Shoulder
Kosher Salt to taste
Garnishes: Lime Wedges, Fresh Whole Thai Green Chilies
Cut pork shoulder, against the grain, into 1/2 inch thick steaks. Aim for 5-6 steaks, each slightly larger than the palm of your hand. (Tip: For even, clean slices, partially freeze the meat, and portion while still very firm). Evenly coat the pork steaks in the paprika marinade, refrigerated, for at least 20 mins – although overnight is best. Trust me.
In a well ventilated outdoor setting, prepare hardwood lump charcoal. Light using torch (do not use lighter fluid or any chemical starters!) and/or chimney starter, and heat for at least 20 minutes to get the proper rocking heat level. Once charcoal has ashed over, very carefully arrange in a relatively level, full layer in a preheated 12-inch cast iron pan.
Bring marinated steaks back up to room temperature before cooking. Season steaks generously on both sides with kosher salt. Shake pan to remove surface ash from the coals, then place steaks, 2 at a time (don’t crowd the pan!) at most, directly on the glowing hot coals. Sear each side for 3-4 minutes. Transfer steaks to tray or plate to rest while cooking the remainder in batches. (Reheat coal in between each batch.)
To serve Garnish with a lime wedge and a single fresh Thai green chili.