Orange Glazed Salmon Finger Sandwiches
Orange Glazed Salmon
- 1 1/2 C freshly squeezed Orange Juice
- 1 1/2 lbs skinless Salmon filet
- freshly ground Black Peppercorns to season
Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Place orange juice in a small skillet and simmer over low medium heat until the liquid is reduced to 1/4 C total volume, this should take approximately 30 minutes.
While the orange juice is reducing, trim the belly and back of filet so that you have a rectangular piece of salmon. Slice salmon into 8 x 1/2” thick slices. Turn each piece on the side so that largest flat side is up, each piece should be 4” long x 1” wide. Place sliced salmon onto a parchment lined tray and season with black pepper.
Roast in oven for 3 minutes then remove from oven and allow to cool to room temperature.
Once both are fully cooled, brush on an even layer of orange glaze on top of the salmon and set aside for assembly below.
Rye Toast Points
- 4 pieces of Dark Rye Bread
- 1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Kosher Salt to season
- freshly ground Black Peppercorns to season
Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Remove the crusts of the bread and cut each slice of bread into rectangles that are 4” long x 1” wide. Place on a parchment lined tray and drizzle evenly with olive oil and sprinkle with black pepper and kosher salt.
Place in oven for 4 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool fully.
Cilantro Ginger Pesto
- 2 C loosely packed fresh Cilantro
- 1 thumb peeled fresh Ginger
- 1/4 C Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- pinch of Kosher Salt
Puree all ingredients together in a food processor or blender and set aside.
Putting It Together
- 24 very thinly sliced pieces of mini cucumbers
- Large flake Maldon Sea Salt for garnish
Spread a thin layer of cilantro ginger pesto on top of rye toast points.
Using an offset spatula, place glazed salmon on top of the pesto smeared bread. Add 3 slices of shingled cucumber sliced on top of the salmon and sprinkle with large crystal sea salt.
Serve immediately.